Post by Nyx the Admin on Jun 11, 2014 1:25:56 GMT
Make sure to read our rules through so you can join our growing community with ease. I'll try to keep this brief and please don't make me add any more rules!
Out of Character Rules:
1) Being kind to other members is a must.
2) If there is an issue of any sort, please contact a member of the staff.
3) Follow the chatbox rules.
4) Characters must be accepted before you may roleplay.
5) Each member may have two high-ranking positions, but no more. These positions do not have to be auditioned for.
6) Each member may have as many averaged-ranked characters as long as they stay active.
7) The only banned prefixes and suffixes are star [unless the cat is a leader], thunder, shadow, wind, and river. But there will be occasions where exceptions can be made.
8) In order to hold a high position, you must roleplay two warriors, queens, or apprentices before you can make a biography for the higher ranked cat.
In Character Rules:
8) No godmodding or powerplaying.
9) There will be no unnatural colors of pelt or eyes. Also, no 'powers' are allowed to characters at the time.
10) Cross-clan mating is forbidden and must be approved by a staff and both members.
12) Character interactions such as killing and being mates must be consensual between both members who own the cats
13) Roleplaying posts must be at least 150 words as this is a literate roleplaying site. Please try your best to reach this quota.
14) No graphic mating or anything related to the such. Similarly, nothing too graphically violent.
15) No perfect characters [ie. Marysue or Garystues]. You cat must have flaws as well as good traits.
16) Since this is a literate roleplaying site, please use proper grammar and punctuation. We even have a spell check for your convenience.
17) No in-character chatspeak is allowed.
18) This site is based on liquid time, which allows you to use your characters in multiple threads at once.
19) If you hold a high position and do not post with that character two times a week then said character will be killed off and the position reopened.